An integral part of our success journey, is seeing our life as a whole.

Not just focusing on goal after goal...but seeing it as this masterpiece that we get to create.

To accomplish the things we've always wanted...
and to be and feel the way we've ever dreamed to be.

If you see it that everything you are doing is always the beginning of something, the middle of something and the ending of something...

Then you understand that it's not just the level of your performance whilst walking in these 3 time lines, but it's WHO you are being when you execute.

It's about anchoring in all your identities and activating the parts of you, that has the ability to profoundly create a difference in the outcomes of your success.

The art of what you do is rare, but who you are when you do it is what creates the space for aligned action, complete expression and fulfilment.

And it's from this space in which pockets of wisdom are extracted and help you become SELF MADE.

If you know there's something unique about you that the world would benefit from uncovering...

If you know, deep inside, you were born for a life different than what most will experience...

Then imagine if your expression, your truth, the fun, the passion and soul behind what you do, was amplified.

Imagine being aligned where true artistry lives and thrives.

Whatever level of success we have achieved, the ones who truly change the world are those who continue to learn, and grow from great to greater.

So, for those wanting to access life-altering knowledge designed to promote continued transformation, along with rapid growth for your personal and professional expansion...

We proudly present our SELF MADE SUCCESS program.

The journey of this program will afford you the skill to collapse time around your goals, plan like a boss, execute like a badass, make decisions for long-term success like a CEO...and create dreams worth while. 


The depth of this program could never truly be captured by this intro, though we will say this...
The body of work that is this program, is the foundation for how the WORLD OF HER OWN brand was birthed. 

Your success deserves your full attention.
Are you ready for Jessica Kate to share the secrets of 10+ years entrepreneurship, that made her a success story that no one saw coming?

Your investment includes 6 life-changing modules.